Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Easter Time & Our Class Happenings

Our Class Assembly
It was our class assembly with Room 8. We have been practising in the classroom and then went down to the big hall to get ready for the school to watch us.
Room 8 shared some of their work and did a really cool dance, that we all loved.
"We felt nervous, we had fun, its was exciting"
Our class did a waiata. The girls had the poi and the boys did haka actions at the back. Then we did our double rap because we have been learning our doubles and singing them help us to remember them quickly.

These are the words.

"Double, doubles, I can add doubles, its no trouble for me to add double" x2
1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
3+3 = 6
4+4 = 8
5+5= 10
"Doubles, double, I can add doubles, its no trouble for me to add doubles"
6+6 = 12
7+7 = 14
8+8 = 16
9+9 = 18
10+10 = 20
"Doubles, doubles, I can add doubles, its no trouble for me to add doubles"

Easter Baking

We love creating, making and baking.
mmmmmmm the staff room smelt amazing and made us all hungry. We all made some yummy Easter biscuits. Some looked liked Easter Bunnies, but our ones were round.
We got to put yellow icing on them and EAT them. We showed great table manners, we shared our equipment and showed great 'Connecting Habits'.
Thank you to Mrs McLaren for her extra help to make this happen!

Easter Experiments

What are the parts of an egg?
What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
Do all animals have eggs?
Do all eggs look the same?
What does an egg feel like?
Can you eat slimy eggs?

These were some of our questions when handed an egg to investigate. For Science we are learning to OBSERVE, to talk about what we see, hear, smell and taste. 
We looked at a 'shared book' about eggs and there was an interesting experiment using vinegar and an egg.
* Check out out photos!
* We had so much fun!
* We made a mess!
* We were like Scientists!
* We noticed some change in the eggs!
* We made a hypothesis!

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