Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our Class Treaty

On Monday of last week we all signed our class Treaty. We invited Mr Parsons to come and we read our treaty to him. Our treaty is a list of ideas we all came up with to make our classroom a safe and happy place. Here is what we decided:
*We will walk when inside the classroom.
*We will use quiet voices inside.
*We will always tell someone if we have to go out of the classroom.
*We will share our games and activities in class. (But not our lunches!)
*We will be kind to each other.
*We will do what the teacher says.

We also read a very good story called "The Tree Hut Treaty".
Here is our class poem about our treaty:

                                                    Class Treaty

Here are some rules for us to share
We decided they are true and fair. 
We’ve called it a treaty
We’ve signed our names
We hope other classes might do the same.

So if there’s a problem as we work or play
We can all solve it in our special way. ded they are true and fair. 

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