Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kapa Haka & Our Class

Whole School Kapa Haka & Our New Learning:

We have started a whole school Kapa Haka. This happens every second Friday in the Opawa Room.
The boys are at the back and the girls are in the front. We have experts up the front leading and showing us the actions that go with our new waiatas.
Our class is also practising in Room 9 each Friday. They are amazing and show us how to sing the waiatas, watch the boys lead a haka and listen to the words so we can be awesome like them!
You may also see some of us performing soon. 
We will get better and better the more we do it and give everything a go!

Whole school learning our new Waiata's.
Practising in Room 9. 
Toia Mai, Utaina & more

Learning on the I.Pads:
We are so lucky to have lots of I.Pads for the class. These are used to work alongside class programmes to enhance learning and motivation.
Our Reading apps help us with our Phonics, High Frequency words and much more!
We also have class accounts and work towards goals on some of the apps.
We like to take photos of everything we do to record our learning. 
As part of our Safety Inquiry we learnt about staying safe on the internet too. We learnt some rules about how we can stay safe if we are on the internet playing games, especially at home.
We have also talked about playing on the I.Pads being a 'Responsible' user and how to use them correctly. 
Here are some photos of us learning about "School Bo".

Planting, Growing & Eating our Garden:

Every Tuesday we have "Kids Edible Gardening".
Only a few weeks ago we planted some Basil plants in our Organic Garden. They were ready for a trim this week and we headed out into the garden to pick some leaves.
We brought it back to the class and smelt the leaves. Some of us thought that it was cabbage or lettuce leaves.
Mrs Hepburn had a recipe for us to follow. We made a Basil Pesto. We looked at what ingredients went into it and loved the smell of our class. Some of us were reluctant to try it but in the end all of us had a try and loved it on the crackers. "YUMMMMMMMMY"

Check out our recipe and photos:

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