Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jump Rope at Riverlands

On Friday we wore red for healthy hearts and jumped to raise some money for the National heart Foundation. We raised $250! Here are some classic shots of the day!

Visit to a Retirement Village

We sang and said poems. We did a play too.
The children enjoyed meeting new friends.
Some interesting discussions took place.
We made bookmarks and gave them to our new friends.

Walking to Cob Cottage

On Wednesday we walked along the new walkway again with Room 6, all the way to Cob Cottage. Cob Cottage was the first Riverlands School and we looked in the window to see what it was like. There were no pictures on the wall and the desks were very old.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Garden, Our Special Place

 Fresh air.
We have been talking about what we all need to be happy and healthy. We decided some of these things can be found in a garden- food, fresh airfriendship, rest,  shelter.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our class has grown bigger  and now we have 24 children. We are going to be learning a lot about a special place in our playground- the school garden. So today we went there for a class photo. It was lovely sitting under the big trees out of the sun. Isn't it great that everyone has a sunhat?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Big NZ Shake Out

We heard the "Sting" at 9.26 and got under our tables or made a "Turtle" in the middle of the room. When the evacuation bell rang we all went outside to the turf, which is our gathering point. Well done to all our children.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Money for Africa

Our balloon people sold out quickly.

Look at our $80!

We sold conkers too.

 The Opawa Room was a busy place.

All Our Products.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Piggy Banks on Tour.

Did you see the photos of our piggies taking a look around Riverlands School? Here are a few of them for you to look at. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Money, Money, Money.

Vanepale Sopoaga, has just visited our school to deliver financial literacy workshops to our students. Here you can see him in action in his Super Hero mask showing us coins and notes. You will also see Jacob preparing to lift an eftpos card, which has a lot of money loaded into it. Will he be able to lift it or will it be too heavy?? We learnt that to be able to take money out of an eftpos card we have to put money into it first.

Term 3 Room 1

It is good to be back in the classroom and to get to know the  children I haven't had a chance to teach yet. We have also welcomed Kyote to our class and to our school. We have lots of wonderful learning ahead of us in the next two terms.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

ANZAC Ceremony 2012

Last week we had our ANZAC ceremony. I was very proud of the way the children sat and listened and joined in the singing of the National Anthem and Te Aroha. They also were able to join in with the saying of the Ode:
They shall not grow old
As we that are left grow old. 
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, 
we will remember them. 
We will remember them. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Room 1 Assembly

I am sorry it has taken so long to publish this
but the movie was too big to go on the Blog.
I have edited lots but hope you still enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

At the Pool

We have had a great time at the pool and at the stadium. Here are some photos of us doing swimming and water safety.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Plasticene Experiment

Here is a new poem about what happened when we did our plasticene experiment. Watch out for it in the poem book, which comes home for reading each Friday.

Floating and Sinking

I flattened out my plasticine

And set it in the tank

And do you know the cheeky thing

Turned round and slowly sank.

But when I took it out again

And shaped it like a boat

It wasn’t cheeky any more

For it began to float.

(Why did this happen?)

Albert Crawford

Floating and Sinking

We have been experimenting with things that float and sink. Today we made a ball of plasticene and predicted correctly that it would sink. Then we used the same piece of plasticene and shaped it into a boat. Would you believe it floated? We wonder why?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Water, Water, Everywhere

We are beginning to learn about water. To start with we did a brainstorm. Here are some of our comments:
Some things float and some things sink.
Puddles dry up in the sun.
Water is good for you.
Water is up in the clouds.
I think we have lots of interesting learning ahead of us!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Room 1 Treaty

We have made a class treaty setting out our classroom rules. We all signed it at a special ceremony this week. We signed with a feather pen and sang the National Anthem.